About me:

I am an IIT BHU sophomore student. I am learning every second, every day, wherever I go, whether from my seniors, professors, or peers. I am in the maths and computing department.
I want to tell you why I chose this as my field of study. When I was in 10th, I had no specific interest in Olympiad maths. I was selected for a camp at that time. When I reached there, I saw everyone doing complicated Olympiad maths, and I got interested in seeing what all the fuss was about. I tried it and found it to be fascinating. I continued doing that even in 11th, amid my JEE advanced preparation. Eventually, I cracked JEE advanced. Then I saw the options that I had. When I saw that I was getting mathematics and computing at IIT BHU, I knew I had to take it, as it would allow me to continue doing maths and learn computer science!
After reaching here, I feel like I made the right decision. Now I am trying out everything I can and will continue doing so until I find out what makes me tick, be it research, coding, business, or whatever else it may be.

  My favourite quote:

"Chaos isn't a pit, Chaos is a ladder"

~Peter Baelish(Game of Thrones)